Preventing research and technology theft with CRDF Global

CRDF Global is a non-profit organization established in 1995 to promote innovation, security and safety, themes that are very close to CYSCOE’s mission.

Partnering with CRDF Global, CYSCOE participated in the conference organized in Warsaw on the prevention of research and technology theft. As modern warfare increasingly oscillates towards the cyber branch, access to technology and the results of technological research is an increasingly visible goal. Various cyber campaigns have shown that access can also be achieved in unauthorized ways. It is clear that appropriate access measures need to be established as well as relevant policies to enhance innovation. At the same time, these measures must ensure that the technology is used for the purposes for which it was made, only by those who should use it.

In addition to CYSCOE, our country was represented by DNSC RO through Dan Cimpean and Octavian Popa, University of Craiova and Constanta Maritime University through Mircea-Constantin Scheau, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA) through Miruna Butnaru-Troncotă, Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center through Gabriela Matei and Valentin Ene, Polytechnic University of Bucharest through Emil SIMION, National Institute for R &D Microtechnologies by Octavian Buiu, Pericle Varasteanu, Eugen Chiriac, and by Mihaela Curca, Bogdan Lavrente.

The conference was attended by distinguished members from the USA, Poland, Georgia and Ukraine.

We look with hope towards a closer connection between these countries and a rapprochement of cyberspace actors to increase resilience in the face of ever increasing aggression.

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